On the Importance of Evaluating Storage Systems' $Costs

TitleOn the Importance of Evaluating Storage Systems' $Costs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsLi, Zhichao, Mukker Amanpreet, and Zadok Erez
Conference NameThe 6th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage '14)
Date Published06/2014
Conference LocationPhiladelphia, PA

Modern storage systems are becoming more complex, combining different storage technologies with different behaviors.  Performance alone is not enough  to charac- terize storage systems: energy efficiency, durability, and more are becoming equally  important. We posit that one must evaluate storage systems from a monetary cost per- spective as  well as performance.  We believe that cost should consider the workloads used over the storage sys-  tems’ expected lifetime.  We designed and developed a versatile hybrid storage system under Linux  that com- bines HDD and SSD. The SSD can be used as cache or as primary storage for hot data. Our  system includes tun- able parameters to enable trading off performance, en- ergy use, and  durability. We built a cost model and eval- uated our system under a variety of workloads and pa-  rameters, to illustrate the importance of cost evaluations of storage systems.


